Category: Travel

Hotel credit card scam

You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk. While checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for all the charges for your room). You get to your room and settle in. Someone calls the front desk and asks for (example) Room 620 (which happens to be your room). […]

Warning to travelers

Salisi gang in Manila Sunflower Health & Massage Clinic owners Derrick and his wife Monica Brillo recently returned from a holiday in the Philippines. While having lunch at Tokyo Tokyo Japanese Restaurant somewhere in Manila, Monica’s handbag was grabbed by a member of “Salisi Gang.” In it were her mobile phone and wallet that contained […]

Postcard from China by Obet Dionisio

During our first week in Beijing, we first visited The Lama Temple (Yong He Gong). This is the best preserved temple in China. Fortunately, it was not severely damaged in spite of several foreign invasions or even by the Cultural Revolution. Monks from Tibet, Mongolia, and Manchuria were the former residents of this temple. Lama […]


Is your passport still valid? You think renewing your Australian passport is easy? Not these days apparently! Gone are the days when you can pop in to your local Australia Post Office and you can easily get a Renewal Form from the shelves without having to queue up to the counter. Having realised that our […]


It could only happen in Australia: A lowly aspiring ”barangay-level” Filipin-Oz politician literally bumping into the Australian Prime Minister for a quick chat. I cannot imagine that happening in the Philippines. Neil Galang, a small business owner from the city of Blacktown in Sydney’s west, was on a family holiday in the resort town of […]

Why do cruise ships skip Manila?

Why are cruise ships docking in Vietnam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Korea and others, when these places are no better than Manila or Cebu? This story was written by a Filipino couple who now lives in the United States. They want to share with the readers of Philippine Sentinel what they discovered as the reason why […]