They continue to fool people with false promises

The Philippine Sentinel deserves honor and admiration [from] all over the world. The editor is very brave in exposing questionable projects like the MPC. After 25 years of fooling Filipino Australians and other nationalities who are mostly Catholics and even priests, now you came out to defend us.

I was one of the diehard supporters of this devilish project. I’m only very busy now and my husband was preventing me from speaking out.

We have tapes, videos, photos. Sometimes the meetings were held in my house in Plumpton. During those days, my husband and I gave big parties to collect donations for the MPC. I hope this is not a “ningas cogon” fight.
I want to put a stop to their latest foolishness. My husband with his cane still goes to the bank to deposit his pledge. I feel sorry for him.

Yes, up to now, they still keep on fooling people with false promises.

Please continue the good fight. I’ll walk beside you or even in front of you till these people like Manny Villon and Luz Tiqui and other board members [of PACF] to face the consequences.

I understand no other newspaper is willing do this exposé. That’s why the Filipinos [in Sydney] can’t move on.

“The forces of evil will triumph if good men do nothing.”

Betty F. Bonifacio
Plumpton NSW

Updated: 2012-06-01 — 04:43:33