Former Comelec Chairman Ben Abalos and former NEDA chief Romulo Neri may soon face graft charges on the botched US$329 million national broadband network (NBN) project with Chinese company ZTE. The Office of the Ombudsman appears to be bent on filing criminal charges against Abalos and Neri for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.
Jose de Venecia III, a losing bidder in the broadband project alleged that First Gentleman Mike Arroyo told him to “back off” from the deal.De Venecia told the court that the ZTE deal was overpriced by over $130 million to allow kickbacks for Abalos and other politicians. President Gloria Arroyo cancelled the deal in 2007. – ?
I am new to building internet sites and I was wondering if having your website title relevant to your content really
that critical? I see your title,
“Abalos & Neri to face graft charges on NBN-ZTE deal | Philippine Sentinel ” does seem to be spot on with what your blog is
about but yet, I prefer to keep my title less content descriptive and
based more around site branding. Would you think
this is a good idea or bad idea?
Any help would be greatly valued.
I am new to building internet sites and I was wondering if having your website title relevant to your content really
that critical? I see your title,
“Abalos & Neri to face graft charges on NBN-ZTE deal | Philippine Sentinel ” does seem to be spot on with what your blog is
about but yet, I prefer to keep my title less content descriptive and
based more around site branding. Would you think
this is a good idea or bad idea?
Any help would be greatly valued.