60 Million Refugees Worldwide
The UNHCR predicted a swelling of refugees in the EU to 850,000 for 2015. Recently, however, it changed its mind, saying it is more like 1.4 million. That is almost double. There are a staggering 60 million refugees worldwide today, the equivalent of a small nation. And if that doubles in a few years, the planet may start to implode and humanity self-destruct. War among nations may evolve into war within nations, more vicious, more devastating. Social cancer in the form of anarchy may consume affluent nations from within. It is the law of equilibrium. Heat seeks cold. Poverty seeks affluence. We are in an era of tribulations, in a word from the Book of Revelation.
The sudden asymptotic increase of refugees in a very short time is attributed to two factors. First is the band wagon factor. When people mutilated by war or poverty see other people leave and are accepted in affluent nations like German or Britain, they also want to leave. Even debt-ridden Greece is a target. The effect is mind boggling. Refugees increase exponentially from a handful to an uncontrollable hoard. Second, despair and increasing intolerable conditions force them to take the risk. They become braver, more daring, willing to face hardship, even death, in their suffering and despair.
We are entering an era in human history never seen before – a massive implosion, an uncontrollable unpredictable humanitarian crisis. At the start, rich nations welcome the refugees with open arms. But as the waves become tidal, their sympathies turn into fear of something they can no longer control, from red carpet to rejection. The thought that Syrian refugees are infiltrated by ISIS suicide bombers is scary. The current massive influx of refugees from poor and war torn nations will dramatically change the fibre of society itself in the affluent host countries. When refugees reach a critical mass within a host country, the socio-economic possibilities are unpredictable. Anarchy can sprout quickly in the streets. The war is no longer between nations but within nations.
If it seems Man is ‘self-destructing’, the culprits are obvious — greed, insensitivity, vengeance, hatred, corruption, all the forces of darkness in our hearts overwhelming the forces of light. Perhaps we need a moral revolution, a painful spiritual cleansing, a going back to basics. Yet, it seems we are being drawn into a powerful vortex yet unseen, and we are helpless.
— by Bernie Lopez