This is my rejoinder to Ms Prima West’s response to my article “SAFSI PRESIDENT PRIMA WEST REFUSES TO PERFORM HER ROLE,” [which was] published in the July issue of your much acclaimed publication.
Since Ms West, it seems, is more responsive to have this communication through the media, I owe it to the readers to reply and correct, again, her confused and ill-advised pronouncements.
Point 1. Ms West wrote that “It would be totally irresponsible of me as current president to provide her with answers that have not been checked and properly investigated.” Firstly, I did not ask questions to her and therefore I was not asking for her answers. So what was she going to check and investigate? I was merely requesting to have a meeting with SAFSI management committee of which she is the President.
Point 2. Ms West seems to insist that “any personal issues between members remain private and internal,” insinuating that the issue at hand is personal. I repeat my explanation for Ms West’s understanding: A SAFSI member made an allegation that a former officer of SAFSI committed fraud by illegally using organisation funds for her personal gain which was in breach of SAFSI Constitution. This member asked SAFSI which is headed by Ms West, to penalise another member in order that such action will not be emulated by other members. If this issue does not involve SAFSI, then I challenge Ms West to provide an example of an issue that is not personal.
Point 3. Ms West wrote: “We would love Ms Morden at our meetings, but regrettably, she is not a member of SAFSI.” Again, Ms West is confused and ill-advised. As a community-based organisation, SAFSI is expected to communicate with other groups and individuals outside the organisation. This is a basic requirement or a standard operating procedure. She allowed my presence in the general meeting on 8th May 2016. This meeting was facilitated by myself. Ms West and the officers present in this meeting, promised to resume this unfinished meeting, which she is refusing to fulfil.
— Dr Aida Morden, PhD